It’s not uncommon to hear people defend their exercise routine by saying, “I walk every day.” Walking is a great exercise and has some tremendous benefits, especially when done regularly, but it’s not really what’s best. Body Moves owner Beth Pelton explains why in a few videos posted during the pandemic. You can find those posts HERE and HERE.
In the same vein, most people when challenged about engaging their brain argue that their daily crossword or Suduko puzzle is enough. The truth is: it is not. Puzzles can be good tools, just like reading, but there are other ways your brain needs to be challenged and when coupled with movement, the results are multiplied.
Don’t miss this opportunity to
learn more about how to
Move Your Body, Train Your Brain
in a 2-part workshop
with FAI Certified Brain Health Trainer Holly Carpenter.
Holly will show participants how the brain is continually alters it’s structure, cell number, connectivity, and chemistry in response to what a person does, experiences, thinks, and feels. After understanding the theory and science, Holly will show practical ways to maximize a person’s brain and body health through variation and consistency in exercise, effort, and environment.
March 17 & 24
Friday’s from 1:00-2:00PM
Tuition $60
Click HERE to register!
See you tomorrow!