Rather obvious, isn’t it? If you don’t know something, you don’t know the something. Sometimes our ignorance is due to life circumstances, but sometimes it’s due to choice.
What do you know about menopause?
The word itself tends to conjure up images of women complaining about hot flashes or lack of sleep, but what do you know beyond unpleasant symptoms? Do you know what changes happen in the body? Do you know how it affects a woman’s health?
Not many people know a lot about menopause in spite of the fact that it’s something all women go through at some point in their lives.
A 2020 survey found that 78% of the participants agreed that menopause had interfered with their lives while nearly two-thirds (64%) felt unprepared for it. In spite of annual visits to the doctor, nearly one-third of women in this study did not feel comfortable talking with their doctor about it and looked elsewhere for support. Where are they looking? Dr. Google??
All lives are touched by menopause, whether a person actually goes through it or not, so why don’t we as a society know more about it?
We need to equip ourselves to help those we love and even ourselves to go through this literally life-changing stage in life. One way to do that is talk with your doctor. It’s so important to have frank conversations that work toward solutions. Another way is to attend our upcoming hour-and-a-half workshop on menopause next Tuesday, November 15.
Join Body Moves FAI-certified personal trainer Holly Carpenter to learn about menopause, about how it affects a woman’s body, and what a person can do to keep living her best life with and in spite of new mental and physical challenges.
Life After Menopause
Tuesday, November 15
Tuition: $25
When you go on a trip, you prepare for the trip by packing certain clothes and planning for certain events. When your kids are getting ready to move out, you prepare them to do so. We even prepare to go to the grocery store by writing out a list! Menopause is too great of a life change to go through underprepared, especially when there are resources available! So whether you are perimenopausal, in the midst of menopause, or post-menopausal, you will find benefits in this workshop!