The number of menopausal women worldwide is estimated to reach nearly 1.1 billion by 2025. Three-quarters of women acknowledge that menopause has upset their life, and nearly two-thirds of them felt under-prepared for it.
For a topic that will affect all women at some point in their lives, it is not always readily addressed in the public arena or even in the doctor’s office!
Technically, menopause begins twelve months after a woman’s last period. Up to that point, women may experience changes in their monthly cycle, hot flashes or other symptoms. This is call perimenopause or the menopause transition.
During this transition period and beyond, a woman experiences wide and varied effects for short, long, or permanent periods as her body composition changes, her body begins to use energy differently, and the body’s production of estrogen and progesterone varies. It can feel like something is wrong, but this is not a disease nor a disorder to be cured. It is a phrase to be passed through.
Menopause is a normal part of life,
so why doesn’t it feel like it?
Even more importantly, what’s on the other end?
As the body undergoes physical changes, there are new things to consider regarding exercise and diet, factors which become even more important in the post-menopause phase for women to consider and act upon. Aside from the physical changes, women may also experience emotional and mental challenges.
But what do you do when you don’t know what to do? You look to someone to learn from!
Join Body Moves FAI-certified personal trainer Holly Carpenter on Tuesday, November 15, to gain an awareness of the multiple domains of women’s health affected by menopause, and how small behavior changes can yield large health returns for years to come!
Many women struggle physically and/or mentally after menopause, but you don’t have to be held at the mercy of the changes in your body! Take initiative today!!
Learn about menopause, about how it affects your body,
and what you can do to keep living your best life
with and in spite of new mental and physical challenges.
Tuesday, November 15
Tutions; $25
Click HERE to sign up for the
“Recalibrating After the Pause” workshop with Holly!
Take back your life TODAY!!