Have you ever saved something for a special day or a special occasion only to forget about it or have plans change and the item go unused?
I have, but I’m learning not to wait.
I have a friend who uses her china every day (not every meal!) with her family. I once asked if she got tired of washing it or worried about pieces breaking if her kids helped wash it. She smiled.
Yes, those things could and have happened, but the trade-off is worth it to her. Her family is special, and she shows them every day by using her china.
Does that mean you need to dust off your china? No, at least, I’m not dusting off mine. (It’s actually packed away in a box.) But do stop to consider: is there something you haven’t used because you’re waiting for that right moment?
It’s not wrong to save things for special occasions, but too often we are held back by our own expectations—more specifically, our fear of them not being fulfilled!
Fear of disappointment keeps us waiting in the sidelines, but that shouldn’t be!!
You are the main character of your own life! And as such, you are meant to encounter difficulties because the heart of the story is the struggle and, finally, some sort of resolution. Not all endings are victorious, but many are! And for those that are not, as the saying goes, how much better, as Tennyson said, “to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”
Live the adventure!
Don’t quit living just because you’re older than you were last year!!
Take up a new hobby. Learn a new skill. Find a new challenge!
We have several in our community who participate in a monthly piano club. Others experiment with photography. Perhaps you want to learn a new language in preparation for a bucket list oversea’s visit.
This month, we will be hosting a juggling workshop. Sign up with a friend or grandchild! It’s a short, easy commitment that may be the catalyst to spur you on to bigger things!
Learn-to-Juggle Workshop
Saturday, October 22
11:00AM – 12:00PM
Tuition: $25
(includes set of juggling balls)
Find something your passionate about and—even if other’s think it crazy—pursue it!
As we said yesterday, today is the first day of the rest of your life, and you are never as young as you are today. Take advantage of this marvelous present (catch the pun!?) and shine as the star you are in the story of your life!
We’re here to cheer you on!!
Click HERE to sign up for the Learn-to-Juggle Workshop!
Or visit the EVENTS page to see other upcoming activities.