Remember this morning’s challenge?
Guess what? There is a Part Two.
Now that you’ve written about that influential person in your life, the second part of the challenge is to CALL THEM AND TELL THEM SO!
Again, don’t overthink it.
Just do it.
Find their number and call.
Call them up, tell them you somehow got roped into doing this gratitude challenge, and now you are being forced to tell them how grateful you are for the influence they had in your life. They’ll love it! (Trust me.) And so will you!!
Best of all, you’ll end the day happier.
Don’t believe me? The science is on my side…the science of happiness.
If you did not yet read this morning’s challenge, you can find it HERE. There’s nothing to keep you from doing this challenge yet today, or tomorrow, or any other day for that matter!
Above all, remember how grateful
we are for YOU, Body Movers!!
See you in the studio!
Questions? Email or call 319-337-4777.