How are you doing in the
Body Moves Gratitude Challenge 2022!?
Whether today is your first, fifth, or twelfth day, we are glad you are here!
For today’s challenge, you can use your gratitude journal or just a blank piece of paper. Write your name vertically on the paper. Using the letters in your name, think of something for which you are thankful. It can be anything and the letter can be anywhere in the word. How easy is that!?
If you are more artistically inclined, enhance your work with color and images. If you are more literary, add phrases to turn it into a poem. Perhaps pick one of those items and write a little blurb about why you are grateful for one or all of those things. Otherwise, just savor the moment, pausing to think for a few moments on why you are thankful for each specific item.
Hopefully you have experienced how each of the activities in this challenge are what YOU make of it. Recognize that as this is something you can continue to build after the challenge is over; however, it is not over yet!
Join us tomorrow as we continue to build gratitude intentionally into our lives!