Be inspired to practice yoga at home with the use of a simple folding chair! Call the studio line for additional information or question! (319)337.4777 Space is limited.
Reserve your spot early!$60 for six sessions Click HERE to register.
Bring a yoga mat if you have one (for chair stability) — Studio can provide one for you if needed.
Known as meditation in motion, T’ai Chi improves physical health, calms the mind, and lifts the spirit. This ancient marital art uses slow, flowing movement and postures that increase balance, strength, focus, energy, and grounding. Based on simple but challenging principles of movement, T’ai Chi is not just exercise, it is a way to move through life! Body Moves Fitness and Wellness Center now offers three levels of T’ai Chi.
Register below for theT’ai Chi practice of your choice:
Introduction to T’ai Chi 5:30-6:30 p.m.
6 Week series beginning April 3 Tuition $90
Meetings each Thursday
Introduction to T’a Chi is a 6 week course that will introduce the basic principles and give a taste of the benefits of T’ai Chi. Each of the six classes is 60 minutes in length. Introduction to T’ai Chi is a progression course, making its tuition independent from monthly unlimited and free-class options.
T’ai Chi Level 1 6:30 – 7:30 p.m
T’ai Chi Level 2 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
8 Week Series beginning April 7th
Meetings each MONDAY (excluding Memorial Day) Tuition $125
T’ai Chi is a progressive series. Level 1and Level 2 are designed to take those students from the Introductory course to the next levels, experiencing and building upon short form postures while students continue to practice the basic principles. Each of the eight classes is 60 minutes in length. T’ai Chi is a progression course, making its tuition independent from monthly unlimited and free-class options. Feel free to call the Studio at 319.337.4777 if you have questions.